Optimize your production with iWork MES software and

Workstations customized

Consoles designed to provide a user-friendly HMI (Human-Machine Interface) for operators interacting with the machine or system.

The Console can have one or two large LCD screens with optimal contrast and brightness characteristics for viewing the iWork MES software.

Console on board machine station

Operational Benefits

  • See the list of jobs to be done in the machine
  • Interact with the machine by transferring the program and data related to the production
  • View documentation in real time: drawings, setup instructions, photos, videos
  • Insert quality controls related to the newly machined piece
Console on board machine station

In general, our Consoles must have characteristics not only of extreme robustness, considering the industrial environment in which they operate, but also of ergonomics, functionality and must allow the operator to use them for a long time without physical and visual fatigue.

All consoles are designed without neglecting design, thanks to simple and essential lines, which make them aesthetically slim but at the same time robust.